Monday, February 20, 2017

L.A. Dance Friends and Family!

Miss Beth here with our first ever BLOG. Please be patient, as I am a much better dance teacher than I am writer! As we head into the competition season, I thought we could start out with some helpful hints and words of encouragement before our first call time at Lake Orion High School March 3rd for RAINBOW.

Remember to wear your LA Dance gear with pride and cheer loudly for all of our dancers; they have worked so hard to get to this pointe. With that being said….

R-est the night before! Plenty of sleep and relaxation the night before will ensure you have the energy to perform your best.

A-rrive on time! Two hours early before your set performance time is mandatory. Remember that many competitions also have online access and/or smart phone apps to help keep track of schedules and awards. It is not unheard of that a competition is 1-2 hours ahead of schedule, so come dressed with hair and make up already done.

I-nspire! Remember, we do not attend competitions for the sole purpose of winning. We are there to inspire a spark in our audience; a feeling that keeps them wanting more. I encourage everyone to take the time to sit back, watch, and support all performers this competition season.  Take a moment to connect with your fellow dancers before hitting the stage. If we feel connected or inspired by a story and/or words of encouragement speaking to the choreography, we perform better.

N-utrition! Never skip breakfast and drink plenty of water. Enjoy a home cooked meal the night before with plenty of carbohydrates and vegetables.  L.A. Dance will set aside a few tables for our studio, which encourages families to bring in a dish to share (for ex. veggie tray, homemade treats, crackers, sandwiches, etc.). Not every competition offers delicious smoothies (my personal fave), so pack plenty of healthy snacks and treats.

B-ackstage pass!  Remember to stay motivated, polite, and encouraging when behind the curtain. Be mindful that even though your teacher may have moved to the audience, he/she still expects you to stay warm and ready for your entrance. It is a special time to connect with your teammates  (spirit circle anyone?).

O-verpack! No one ever got hurt from packing too many bobby pins, tights, or q-tips. Please remember all costume pieces and accessories. Labeling each garment bag with specifics will help you stay organized. And never leave the house without your hairspray, nail polish remover, and toothbrushes (a staple in my competition travel bag).

W-arm up! Planks, plies, adagio, and turns! Stretching is key, but sitting in a split is not the best way to get us performance ready. When practicing your choreography, dance with arms, turns, and faces full out.  It is fact that we all dance better when our muscles and minds are truly warm.

When all is said and done, the lights grow dim, the eyelashes are peeling off, and the mini line are falling asleep in dance dads arms…remember to be proud of yourself and/or your dancer. Parents stay organized, patient, and flexible. It is the first competition, so no one can be too hard on themselves. Dancers, if your nerves get the best of you, just keep smiling and moving.  My personal motto- When in Doubt, Chaine it Out!

I cannot wait to see what L.A. Dance has to bring to this RAINBOW stage. I will be cheering loud and proud. Wishing us all the best of luck!

Miss Beth Stolzenfeld

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